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Namaste & Welcome to Kind Karma® Yoga 🙏

𑁍 Do you have a passion for yoga?

𑁍 Are you inspired to teach and share yoga with others.

𑁍 Do you feel a strong pull to delve into not only the physical elements of yoga but also its philosophical and spiritual aspects?

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✅ If you've answered yes, Team Kind Karma® Yoga is excited to welcome you to the mat and share our passion for yoga!❤️

What Kind Karma® Yoga is About

𑁍 A holistic style of yoga that not only concerns itself with the physical and philosophical aspects of the practice, but also teaches how to use these aspects to delve deeper into your spiritual self.

𑁍 A style of yoga that incorporates heart-based practices that are designed to open up the heart chakra, promoting emotional balance, mental harmony and high vibration. Heart-based practices that are intended to cultivate a state of mind and a way of being that is aligned with the energy of our heart.

𑁍 An inclusive yoga practice that incorporates Rahini Yoga® Healing Kriyas, in addition to traditional yoga techniques, to clear, align, and strengthen the subtle energy body, especially for humanity’s awakening and higher vibration. 

𑁍 A practice that recognizes sound therapy and Sound Current are integral parts for a holistic approach to yoga, because both of these are powerful tools for promoting wellness and enhancing the benefits of a yoga practice.

If your goal is to teach yoga, you can rest assured that Kind Karma® Yoga will professionally prepare you as our yoga school has been registered with Yoga Alliance since 2001, has four registered yoga schools, and has taught students from all over the world. Furthermore, our yoga training curriculum has been time-tested, as we have certified students in yoga and meditation for over 22 years! If your desire is not to teach, but to deepen your own personal yoga practice then this training would greatly interest you because, unlike many other current yoga programs, Kind Karma® Yoga has bona fide ties with authentic lineages going back hundreds of years, supporting the effectiveness of many of its methods. 

We are looking forward to hearing from you, and spending some time sharing and practicing Kind Karma® Yoga!

With peace, compassion & kindness,

❤️ Team Kind Karma Yoga


"Kind Karma® Yoga is about how far we can stretch our heart; not how far we can bend over to touch our toes." - Dean Telano, Founder, Kind Karma Yoga

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Our Yoga Alliance Registered Schools

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yoga alliance Prenatal Training

 Kind Karma® Yoga 300 Hour Teacher Training

Kind Karma® Yoga Program Overview

Kind Karma® Yoga aims to deepen one's understanding of yoga as a science, a holistic lifestyle, and a pathway for spiritual enhancement.  It caters to those who wish to pursue a career in teaching yoga, as well as those who exclusively wish to enrich their personal yoga practice.

  • The program offers a chance for holistic immersion into yoga and its integration into daily life beyond the mat.

  • Our faculty consists of compassionate and like-minded individuals, ensuring a supportive, encouraging, and compassionate environment.

  • Participants are equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to start a career in teaching yoga.

  • Once you graduate from our program you are able to become a Registered Yoga Teacher – RYT 200, with Yoga Alliance. This is the first step towards teaching yoga, privately, publicly or online.

Our Yoga Alliance Registered yoga teacher training program has been shaped and refined since 2001.

  • We have been registered with Yoga Alliance since 2001.

  • We have four registered schools: RYS 200, RYS 300, RCYS & RPYS.

  • Graduates from Kind Karma® Yoga, are currently teaching all over the world, including such places as Ecuador, Costa Rica, South Africa, Japan, Canada, California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Mississippi, North Carolina, Norway, South Carolina, Ohio, New York and Long Island.

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Program Details

Program Overview

Our professional yoga program has been developed and refined for 21 years.  The Kind Karma® 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) offers an extraordinary opportunity for complete immersion into yoga and how it can be naturally integrated into your daily life, off the mat.  With the guidance and assistance of compassionate, like-minded yogis, you will be provided with the skill, knowledge and confidence to begin teaching yoga.

This program prepares the 300 Hour graduate for the Kind Karma® Yoga 800 Hour Teacher Training Program (800 YTT).

The 300 hour yoga training program provides a supportive, encouraging and compassionate environment.

Admission Criteria 

  • Online or in person experience with Kind Karma® Yoga.

  • Successful completion of a 200 hour yoga teacher training from a Yoga Alliance Registered School.  Each student is required to provide proof of completion with a copy of their 200-Hour Yoga Certificate.

Program Description 

The Kind Karma® Yoga 300hr YTT is intended to build upon the 200 hour training, and enhance and deepen the understanding, knowledge, and skills to confidently practice and teach yoga.

  • Traditional & Contemporary Hatha Yoga Postures.

  • Kind Karma® Yoga Flows: Vinyasas. Spine Warm Ups.

  • Kind Karma® Yoga Yoga Precepts; 4 Levels of Straightness; Rainbow Body/Rainbow Light.

  • Natural Asana Alignment; Midline vs Core;

  • Teaching: Asana Variations; Transitioning; Sequencing; Yoga Essentials to Deepen the Pose and Achieve Proper Alignment; Micro-Movements; Drishti; Bandhas.

  • Introduction to Rahini Yoga® Kriyas.

  • Anatomy, Asana, Alignment & Physiology Made Easy.

  • Pranayama. Breath Awareness.

  • Subtle Body Anatomy.

  • Meditation & Mindfulness.

  • Ethics of Touching; Verbal or Hands-on Assists & Adjusting.

  • Art of Communication; Finding your Inner Voice; Creating Safe & Inspirational Classes; Lesson Plans.

  • Yoga Humanities, Ethics & Spiritual Study; Business & Marketing.

Our Kind Karma® Yoga Immersion Program

Created for yoga teachers who have already received their 200-Hour certification in a program outside of Kind Karma® Yoga Training.  Students are required to complete an additional 25 hours of training in the Kind Karma® style of yoga.  The Kind Karma® Yoga Immersion Program is a requirement for entrance into the 300 hour program, for outside students.

The Immersion Program Includes:​

  • What is Kind Karma® Yoga and Rahini Yoga® Kriyas?

  • Code of Ethics, Precepts & Principles of Kind Karma® Yoga.

  • Kind Karma® Yoga Terminology & Methodology. 

  • Kind Karma® Yoga Sitting Posture. 4 Levels of Straightness. Rainbow Body/Rainbow Light.

  • Kind Karma® Yoga Root Warm Ups, Yoga Flows, Asanas.

  • Kind Karma® Yoga Pranayama.

  • Sound Therapy: 3 Basic Sound Healing Instruments. 

Required Texts for the 300 Hour Yoga Training

  • "Kind Karma Kids Yoga: Awaken Your Inner Shaman." – Dean Telano.

  • "Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transfomartive Yoga Classes." – Mark Stephens.

  • "Yoga Anatomy." – 3rd Edition, Leslie Kaminoff.

  • "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali." – Translation & Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda.

Training Program Hour Log

Each student is required to keep a logbook of the amount of time and hours spent in the program.  Instruction is provided on the best way to organize, record and complete the logbook.  The logbook must be handed in before graduation. 

Keeping a Practice Journal: Recommended 

Students are encouraged to keep a journal during their training.  This journal is intended to promote transformative insights, mindfulness and self-reflection.


  • Cost is $3,850.

  • If Pay in full – $150 savings: $3700.

  • Payment plan: Non-refundable deposit: $550. Followed by 6 months of $550. You will be charged on the 1st of the month for 6 consecutive months, beginning on the 1st month in which the program begins.

Additional Requirements

  • Required to take 30 Kind Karma® Yoga classes at discounted price.

Training Dates & Yoga Classes

  • For more information contact Naomi.

Contact Person for Registration

  • Naomi, Director of Admissions & Outreach. 

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