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Corvid-19 Guidelines

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Here at Kind Karma® Yoga & Holistic Center, we are taking precautions and making safety and health a top priority for our members, employees and community.


  • The studio will be disinfected after each class.

  • For safety purposes, bring your own yoga mats, blankets, blocks, straps, etc. Disinfectant wipes and sprays will be available for your use for yoga mats, blocks and straps that you may need to use.

  • We have an air purifier in our studio, which has been running for several days. 

  • We will wipe down all high touch surfaces between classes with disinfectant.

  • There will be 6 ft markings inside the studio, as designated spaces will be marked in the Kind Karma Yoga Room.

  • We will be taking extra steps to be vigilant during the peak flu season and the growing concerns regarding the coronavirus.

  • Capacity will be subject to county guidelines.


Even though we have an intense cleaning and sanitizing procedure already in place such as disinfectants, we will continue to look for ways to keep our studio safe. Also, after each class, we are committed to disinfecting and cleaning all areas of the yoga room, bathroom, prop area, desk, etc. before the next class begins. 


We are committed to the safety of our members, employees and community. If you feel sick, coughing, sneezing, please stay home. Always use a tissue, or turn your head away from others if you cough, and properly discard your tissue. Disinfectant soap will be in the bathroom, so please be sure to wash your hands thoroughly (for 20+ seconds).


As a further precaution during current times, teachers will not be doing any physical adjusting, assisting or touching. Our Kind Karma® Teachers will verbally offering, cue or demonstrate any adjustments that might be needed for the yoga class. Taking our online classes will further help with this process. 


Kind Karma® Yoga & Holistic Center will work together as a community (as we say – cOMmUNITY) and ask that we support each other over the next several months. We will keep up-to-date on the CDC guidelines.


With a Safe, Mindful Yoga Practice,

Dean, Naomi, Heidi, Lauren & the Kind Karma® Yoga Team

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